Jonathan Wolf - MO
Ultimate II Floor Model with Tool
Jeffery Memec - MA
Classic II Floor Model with Tool
Jason Wallace - OK
Classic II Benchtop with
David Heil - FL
Ralph Rigg - CA
Classic II Floor Model with Tool Tray and Wing Racks.
Bill Banks - TX
Midwest AT-6 on Benchtop 30" rails.
William Schmidt - MD
Donald Cott - Dominican Republic
on his Ultimate II stand
Tim Snodgrass - FL
Gogian Yee - CA
SebArt PC21XL Turbo Prop on my Classic II Floor Model
Andrew Griffith - FL
The Editor of The Hangar and MAN magazine has his FS3-min on the Classic II Floor model.
Nil Patel - CA
Skymaster Viper Jet XXL. on our Epic Stand with room to spare
Elad Fish - CA
Carf F-100 Super Sabre Jet XXL on our Epic Stand with room to spare.
David Searles - CA
John Telenson
Extra 300 on his Classic II stand
Glen Hackler - CA
Using the Ultimate stand on my new Phoenix Waco
Luis Glinos - AZ
Luis wanted the Gray Stain for his Classic II stand.
Greg Hope - Canada
Classic II floor model with his Jet.
Elckar Monsalve - Canada
Epic Floor Model with his Jet
Eric Oliver - CO
Top RC Odyssey Jet on our Classic II Floor Model. 86" Wingspan 28 lbs.
Henry Morgan - AZ
Benchtop without Tray
Jackson RC Aviation
James Dunstan - CA,
A Meister Scale 1/5 scale P-47 fuselage on a 36" Bench Top
David Guerra - TX
Handles my 35% Lazer V2 easily.
Bob Martin - TX
His 10 ft. Submarine on the Ultimate II Stand. Check him out at www.nautilusdrydocks.com
Mike Deeds - GA
Riley model B. Has 136” wing span and fuselage is 98” long. Moki engine. The plane weighs 50-60lbs and the stand handles it with ease.
Mike Pirkl - WI
The plane is a TopRC P-47; it has a 96" wingspan so as you can tell by the fuselage it is a BIG plane.
Carlos Chiappori - Peru
Classic Floor Model with Wing Racks
Peter Fynn - NC
Using the Classic Floor stand for his Sailboat
Roger Blaser - Switzerland
Es ist eine Sopwith Camel von Mike Reeves und im Masstab 1/3
Kevin Scobey - FL
Classic Floor model with two Tool Trays and Transmitter hook. He stained it Carbon Gray.
Kevin Scobey - FL
Benchtop model that he stained Carbon Gray.
Chris DeConti - CT
Corsair on the Classic Floor Model
Len Britton - NY
His Classic Floor model with extra lever handles
Gary Glasband - CA
Quarter Scale Citabria on his Ultimate Floor Stand
Dean Harvey - TX
Hangar 9 Ultra Stick Float Plane
Leo Huerta - CA
His jet on our Ultimate Floor Model
Elad Fish - CA
Jet Powered 172" Glider on our Ultimate Stand
Peter Flynn - NC
Jason LeBlanc - ME
New Build on his Classic Floor model
Justin Francisco - WI
P-51 build on his Classic Floor model with Tool Tray and Wing Racks.
Dean Jalbert - CT
Richard Huyck - IA
Dave Mullens - WI
Roger Chamberlein - AZ
Pilot NG 90 inch
Ritchie Holt - NC
Bruce Disafino - MO
FMS P-51 Mustang
Bill McLean - FL
Sail Plane
Michael Palsson - WA
Reno Hidalgo - CA
His Jet on the Benchtop Stand with Tray
Ken Griffin - FL
R Boat with mock-up cabin
Terry Boivin - ME
Mamba 70
if this is yours, please let me know so I can label it
Will Klickman - OR
New Build on his Classic Floor Model
Steve Mikrut - IN
Steve painted his stand blue.
Reno Hidalgo - CA
Reno Hidalgo - CA
Ken Hansen - CA
Joe Greer -CA
P-51 Mustang
Andrew Griffith - FL
Red Hot Turbine
Jon Tuuri - GA
Top Flite Giant scale Zero
Jason McDevitt - PA
64” EF MXS
Michael Synder - OH
Michael Synder - OH
Bi-plane ?
Charles - CA
Pattern Plane at OCMA field - using Narrow Arms
Harry Middleton - CA
95" Ziroli Hellcat - Maple and Mahogany stand
Glen Hackler - CA
96" Pilot Edge - Yes, I too use these great stands
Nick Gruber - NE
Flex Mamba 120
Dean Harvey - TX
Carbon Cub on his new Epic Stand with center support and his Jet on a Classic Floor model.
Darrell Johnson - AZ
Bob Wetterholt - MI
His Jet on a Benchtop stand.
Bob Wetterholt - MI
His Jet on the Classic Floor model.
Tom Mulder - CA
Mounted his new Benchtop stand to a Harbor Freight tool cart.
Danny Deaton - OH
1/4 Scale Balsa USA Grasshopper
Harry Middleton - CA
Hangar 9 P-47
Martin Boost - CA
Martin's Jet on his custom made Walnut and Maple stand
Joe Greer -CA
Alpina Sail Plane - 4 meters
Ken Griffin - FL
S Boat German Schnellboot YES, they work great for boat's too
Ken Griffin - FL
German Type II D Submarine
Darrell Johnson - AZ
Dean Harvey - TX
Bob Wetterholt - MI
His Jet