Jonathan Wolf - MO
Ultimate II Floor Model with Tool

Erlying Todesco - Venezuela

Jeffery Memec - MA
Classic II Floor Model with Tool

Jason Wallace - OK
Classic II Benchtop with

Siegfried Naumann - IL
Classic II Floor stand.

David Heil - FL

Ralph Rigg - CA
Classic II Floor Model with Tool Tray and Wing Racks.

Bill Banks - TX
Midwest AT-6 on Benchtop 30" rails.

William Schmidt - MD

Donald Cott - Dominican Republic
on his Ultimate II stand

FulGogian Yee - CA
SebArt PC21XL Turbo Prop on my Classic II Floor Model

Siegfried Naumann - IL
With his Eindecker on our Classic II Floor stand.

Todd Martin - FL
I have my 140” Bushmaster on the Classic II stand with plenty of adjustments to fit the airplane perfectly. I can’t say enough this
stand has the highest quality of craftsmanship and is very easy to use.

Tim Snodgrass - FL
Classic floor model with Tool tray.

These stands also work great for SUBs and BOATs
Bob Martin from Texas uses his Ultimate II Stand to support his 10 ft. long Submarine. Check him out at www.nautilusdrydocks.com

Wayne Maeder - Australia
Ultimate II floor model with two Tool Trays and Wing Racks

Andrew Griffith - FL
The Editor of The Hangar and MAN magazine has his FS3-min on the Classic II Floor model.

Nil Patel - CA
Skymaster Viper Jet XXL. on our Epic Stand with room to spare

Elad Fish - CA
Carf F-100 Super Sabre Jet XXL on our Epic Stand with room to spare.

David Searles - CA

John Telenson
Extra 300 on his Classic II stand

Glen Hackler - CA
Using the Ultimate stand on my new Phoenix Waco

Luis Glinos - AZ
Luis wanted the Gray Stain for his Classic II stand.

Greg Hope - Canada
Classic II floor model with his Jet.

Elckar Monsalve - Canada
Epic Floor Model with his Jet

Eric Oliver - CO
Top RC Odyssey Jet on our Classic II Floor Model. 86" Wingspan 28 lbs.

Henry Morgan - AZ
Benchtop without Tray

Jackson RC Aviation

James Dunstan - CA,
A Meister Scale 1/5 scale P-47 fuselage on a 36" Bench Top
David Guerra - TX
Handles my 35% Lazer V2 easily.

Ken Griffin - FL
R Boat with mock-up cabin

Bob Martin - TX
His 10 ft. Submarine on the Ultimate II Stand. Check him out at www.nautilusdrydocks.com

Mike Deeds - GA
Riley model B. Has 136” wing span and fuselage is 98” long. Moki engine. The plane weighs 50-60lbs and the stand handles it with ease.

Mike Pirkl - WI
The plane is a TopRC P-47; it has a 96" wingspan so as you can tell by the fuselage it is a BIG plane.

Carlos Chiappori - Peru
Classic Floor Model with Wing Racks

Peter Fynn - NC
Using the Classic Floor stand for his Sailboat

Roger Blaser - Switzerland
Es ist eine Sopwith Camel von Mike Reeves und im Masstab 1/3

Kevin Scobey - FL
Classic Floor model with two Tool Trays and Transmitter hook. He stained it Carbon Gray.

Kevin Scobey - FL
Benchtop model that he stained Carbon Gray.

Chris DeConti - CT
Corsair on the Classic Floor Model

Len Britton - NY
His Classic Floor model with extra lever handles

Gary Glasband - CA
Quarter Scale Citabria on his Ultimate Floor Stand

Dean Harvey - TX
Hangar 9 Ultra Stick Float Plane

Leo Huerta - CA
His jet on our Ultimate Floor Model

Elad Fish - CA
Jet Powered 172" Glider on our Ultimate Stand

Peter Flynn - NC

Jason LeBlanc - ME
New Build on his Classic Floor model

Justin Francisco - WI
P-51 build on his Classic Floor model with Tool Tray and Wing Racks.

Dean Jalbert - CT

Richard Huyck - IA

Dave Mullens - WI

Roger Chamberlein - AZ
Pilot NG 90 inch

Ritchie Holt - NC

Bruce Disafino - MO
FMS P-51 Mustang

Bill McLean - FL
Sail Plane

Michael Palsson - WA

Reno Hidalgo - CA
His Jet on the Benchtop Stand with Tray

Terry Boivin - ME
Mamba 70

if this is yours, please let me know so I can label it

Will Klickman - OR
New Build on his Classic Floor Model

Steve Mikrut - IN
Steve painted his stand blue.

Reno Hidalgo - CA

Reno Hidalgo - CA

Ken Hansen - CA

Joe Greer -CA
P-51 Mustang

Andrew Griffith - FL
Red Hot Turbine

Jon Tuuri - GA
Top Flite Giant scale Zero

Jason McDevitt - PA
64” EF MXS

Michael Synder - OH

Michael Synder - OH
Bi-plane ?

Charles - CA
Pattern Plane at OCMA field - using Narrow Arms

Harry Middleton - CA
95" Ziroli Hellcat - Maple and Mahogany stand

Glen Hackler - CA
96" Pilot Edge - Yes, I too use these great stands

Nick Gruber - NE
Flex Mamba 120

Dean Harvey - TX
Carbon Cub on his new Epic Stand with center support and his Jet on a Classic Floor model.

Darrell Johnson - AZ

Bob Wetterholt - MI
His Jet on a Benchtop stand.

Bob Wetterholt - MI
His Jet on the Classic Floor model.

Tom Mulder - CA
Mounted his new Benchtop stand to a Harbor Freight tool cart.

Danny Deaton - OH
1/4 Scale Balsa USA Grasshopper

Harry Middleton - CA
Hangar 9 P-47

Martin Boost - CA
Martin's Jet on his custom made Walnut and Maple stand

Joe Greer -CA
Alpina Sail Plane - 4 meters

Ken Griffin - FL
S Boat German Schnellboot YES, they work great for boat's too

Ken Griffin - FL
German Type II D Submarine

Darrell Johnson - AZ

Dean Harvey - TX

Bob Wetterholt - MI
His Jet